001 - Stages of Construction Contractor Growth (Intro)

Every contractor grows through six general stages with each requiring different strategies, systems, structure, and leadership focus. 90-minute discussion covers the basic challenges with examples for all levels.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Contributors Sue Weiler-Doke Profile PictureSue Weiler-Doke David Brown Profile PictureDavid Brown



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Use the timestamps below or individual video excerpts at the end to learn specific parts and reinforce them with your team. Contact us to dive deeper into anything discussed or to get a copy of the slides. 


All relationships begin with a simple conversation - Let's talk.


0:00:00 Who Comes Up with the Strategy?

0:01:25 Discussion Overview, Resources, and What's Next

0:03:58 Stages of Contractor Growth (The Basics)

0:07:20 The Basic Numbers (U.S. Contractors & Headcount)

0:13:40 Headcount, Management Structures, and Systems

0:21:00 Project Management at Different Stages of Growth

0:30:42 Short-Interval Planning (SIP) at Different Stages of Growth

0:44:20 Leadership Focus Changes Required with Each Stage of Growth

0:54:23 Floors, Ceilings, and Scaling (Careers & Contractors)

1:04:04 Management Team Development Phases at Each Stage of Growth

1:13:30 Emerging and Hollow Danger Zones

1:18:58 Resources - Growth Inflection Points and Self-Evaluation Worksheet

1:18:58 Coming Next

1:23:55 Thank You and Wrap-Up 



Growth Inflection Point Summary + Self-Evaluation Worksheet: https://dbmteam.com/insights/tool-growth-inflection-point-summary-plus-self-evaluation-worksheet/



Kiewit – An Uncommon Company: https://amzn.to/4cvfxl2

The Checklist Manifesto: https://amzn.to/46CVaiJ



Improving Field Productivity: https://dbmteam.com/training/improving-field-productivity/

Talent Value Stream (TVS) Roadmap: Never Let Talent Constrain Your Growth: https://dbmteam.com/training/talent-value-stream-tvs-roadmap-never-let-talent-constrain-your-growth/



Headcount, Stages of Contractor Growth, and Growth Inflection Points:  https://dbmteam.com/insights/headcount-stages-of-contractor-growth-and-growth-inflection-points/

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top Lists: https://www.enr.com/toplists

8 Indicators That You May Be at a Growth Inflection Point: https://dbmteam.com/insights/8-indicators-that-you-may-be-at-a-growth-inflection-point/

Headcount, Management Structure, and Systems: https://dbmteam.com/insights/headcount-management-structure-and-systems/

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) and Contractor Growth: https://dbmteam.com/insights/responsibility-assignment-matrix-ram-and-contractor-growth/

Purchasing Impact on Construction Contractors: https://dbmteam.com/insights/purchasing-impact-on-construction-contractors/

Higher Scores Aren’t Always Better: Percent Planned Complete (PPC) Example: https://dbmteam.com/insights/higher-scores-aren-t-always-better-percent-planned-complete-ppc-example/

Planning for the Continued Decline of the Deep Expertise Age Band in Construction: https://dbmteam.com/insights/planning-for-the-continued-decline-of-the-deep-expertise-age-band-in-construction/

Theory of Constraints (ToC) Basic Overview: https://dbmteam.com/insights/theory-of-constraints-toc-basic-overview/

Racing, Equipment, Heart Rates, and Contractor Growth: https://dbmteam.com/insights/racing-equipment-heart-rates-and-contractor-growth/

Continuous Improvement: Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA): https://dbmteam.com/insights/continuous-improvement-plan-do-check-and-act-pdca/



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Development Phases at Every Stage of Growth


Leadership Focus Changes with Each Stage of Growth


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