Production Tracking - Building Talent Faster

In 2018 a contractor’s primary growth constraint is available talent.

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At the craft and field supervision level there are plenty of people available; the constraint is about attracting them to the industry and training them.  

Field Productivity: Building Talent for Production Tracking. Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement.

One of the biggest benefits of daily and weekly feedback is that it helps build crews faster.  Consider building a training and coaching program around the basics of schedule + production control.  

By focusing simply on measuring then improving both Schedule Percent Planned Complete (PPC) and Production Tracking a contractor can dramatically accelerate the development of their team.  

Consider a ratio similar to what we use for craft training.  For every hour in the classroom we have 10X+ that amount of time in the field hands-on getting very rapid feedback and coaching from an experienced journey-level crafts person.

This is about teaching field supervisors and crews how to plan more effectively, navigate changes efficiently, influence others on the project and make better decisions.  

Learn how we have helped contractors develop their own training and coaching programs.   

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

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