Impacted Productivity - Dilution of Management

Dilution of management will compound an already impacted construction project.

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It is important for teams to realize the full costs of impacts as they start to occur.  

Field Productivity: Impacts - Diluted Management Time.


When you look at the Value Stream and the role of the project team, including the Project Manager and Foreman, you will see many tasks that fall within the administrative or Non Value-Add category, but are required.  

When a project starts to get impacted from poor design, significant design changes, scheduling, or management issues, the amount of time spent on these tasks significantly increases.

The easy to quantify impact is the cost of this time in hours. While this impact should be calculated, it is the SMALLEST portion of the impact.  

The BIGGEST portion of the impact is that each team member has a finite amount of time. Experienced talent is in very short supply and the work that is high Value-Add but Low Urgency does not get done as well. 

  • What is the impact of a Foreman who isn’t walking the job and ensuring production goals are met?
  • What is the impact of a PM who isn’t planning ahead as effectively as they normally would?
  • What is the impact of a PM quitting because of consistently being overloaded?  


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