Weekly Design Meetings and Protecting Finishes

Finishes and other key design elements are important for both the project owner and architect.

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A contractor providing preconstruction services must focus on protecting these throughout the design-development process.  

Preconstruction Weekly Design Meetings.


If a contractor is only providing basic estimating services throughout design development, this is what happens:

  • 30% - Budget looks good across the board - everyone is happy.
    Preconstruction: Design at 30% Estimate.

  • 60% - Budget increases in critical systems, including structural and MEP force value-engineering into the finishes because the design is too far along to cost effectively make changes elsewhere.
    Preconstruction: Design at 60% Estimate.
  • 90% - Budget for finishes is often cut further than the project owner or architect would like, but there are few choices left.  
    Preconstruction: Design at 90% Estimate.

The solution is rigorously managed weekly design meetings facilitated by the contractor and focusing on value-engineering each system throughout the whole design-development process. 

This is just as critical as protecting the overall budget and cash flow of the project

Preconstruction Estimate Summary. Design Development.

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