What Do You Really Need to Be Effective?

Better tools and feedback systems will NEVER create value without the investment in training people and continuous hard work.

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You see this all the time in weekend warrior athletes buying the best gear.  If you like the gear and it gives you pleasure to have $200 shoes and a $500 watch then you should buy them but know that is why you own them.  

Leadership Tools: What do you really need to be effective? What's the business equivalent?

Consider the Tarahumara who are among the best distance runners in the world. They run at high altitudes over rocky terrain in sandals!

They begin training early in life.  Their diet is clean from childhood. Nearly everyone in their tribe runs - it is a way of life.  When you are surrounded by people with the same behaviors you fall into them - good or bad.  

  • Whether you are a runner or not can you see correlations within your business?  
  • Do you see people asking for more feedback or better tools than necessary?  
  • Do you find it easier to invest in tangible tools and technology rather than the hard and unpredictable work of training people?

Buying $200 shoes is fun.  Training every day and pushing your limits is hard. 

Contracting is a low-margin business and every dollar counts.  Make sure you are spending on the things that have the best return

Coaching and "GPS Feedback" - John Wooden Example
The best coaches and superintendents all have an eye for detail and constant communication. Winning in construction or sports is about ensuring that thousands of details come together correctly. The game (or project) is won far away from the scoreboard.
Jack Welch - Any Jerk Short-Term Earnings
The ultimate measure of a leader is how well their business unit performs AFTER they are gone. With the construction industry talent shortages leaders must focus on building other leaders at an accelerated rate just to maintain market position.
How Effectively Do You Ask for Help?
Effectively asking for help is one of the most important skills you can build for your own development. Developing a team culture where everyone is comfortable asking for help and helping others is a critical leadership skill.