Want Does Not Create Capability

“Vision without action is a daydream.” - Japanese Proverb

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Having a want does not create capability or opportunity.

Having a vision, want or even a need means nothing.  It is only through planning, hard work and time that you will achieve your goals.  This applies whether you are an apprentice just starting out or the CEO of a complex construction business.  

“No One Owes You Anything”

Amelia Boone

Bias for Action - the Behavior that Matters

Doing Something is Worth Lots

Discipline vs. Motivation

Budgeting the Right Resources for Execution

Percent Planned Complete (PPC) - Calculation Example
Yoda would be the perfect coach for managing schedules on projects: “Do or do not. There is no try.” This is the heart of Percent Planned Complete (PPC) and the weekly cycle of continuous production improvement.
Resource - The Five Minute Foreman
The Five-Minute Foreman by Mark Breslin is our most recommended book for Foremen in any sized contractor. The writing style, digestible chunks, and companion workbook are a great combination. We have never heard any Foreman not absolutely love this book.
Root Cause Analysis to Behavior Level
Contracting businesses and projects always have problems. What’s important is that a team develops the skills and routine habit for continuously improving. When troubleshooting a problem it’s important to do Root Cause Analysis (RCA) down to behaviors.