Want Does Not Create Capability

“Vision without action is a daydream.” - Japanese Proverb

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Having a want does not create capability or opportunity.

Having a vision, want or even a need means nothing.  It is only through planning, hard work and time that you will achieve your goals.  This applies whether you are an apprentice just starting out or the CEO of a complex construction business.  

“No One Owes You Anything”

Amelia Boone

Bias for Action - the Behavior that Matters

Doing Something is Worth Lots

Discipline vs. Motivation

Budgeting the Right Resources for Execution

Impacted Productivity - Dilution of Management
Dilution of management will compound an already impacted construction project. It is important for teams to realize the full costs of impacts as they start to occur.
Cash Flow Tip 14 - Aggressive Billings and Pre-Wiring the Process
Contractors can significantly improve their Return-On-Capital by being aggressive and focusing on the details of monthly billings.
Valuing a Construction Business
There is no single right way to value a construction business, although there are many methods that have validity. Keep in mind that the definition of “Fair Market Value” is quite simply what a willing seller and buyer agree to.