Vision + Execution

The first limitation most people and companies put on themselves is the size of their vision.

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While vision alone will not guarantee your achievement, a limited vision will nearly always guarantee limited achievement.

Leadership Tools: Vision plus Execution equals Progress.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” - Joel A. Barker 

Aim for the highest cloud so that if you miss, you will hit a lofty mountain.” - Māori Proverb  

The second limitation is the clarity and specificity of that vision versus a vague phrase that looks good on a website or conference room wall.  

Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.” - Tim Ferriss 

The third limitation is failing to identify, prioritize, and execute what must be done on a daily basis to achieve that vision.  

This includes the required knowledge to be gained, how to prioritize objectives, and creating consistent execution cadences for accountability.   

We help contractors clarify their vision and then put the operating systems in place to achieve that vision.  

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What Must Be True...
Asking the right strategic questions will ensure profitable growth in all economic conditions. Daily operational management is about adapting to what is currently true. Effective executive leadership creatively bridges the gap between the two.