Trends in Project Delivery and Technology

There are two major interrelated trends in the construction industry that are changing the way projects are delivered.

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CM at Risk: Industry Trends, Project Delivery and Technology.

  1. Project delivery methods are trending toward more and earlier collaboration.

  1. Technology innovation as it impacts project delivery is happening at an accelerated pace.

Trends in Project Delivery and Technology
The preferred project delivery method. There is a reason 100 of ENR's Top 400 General Contractors use CMAR as the project delivery method for over 75% of their work. Leverage CMAR as part of your growth strategy....

Trends in Project Delivery and Technology
The preferred project delivery method. There is a reason 100 of ENR's Top 400 General Contractors use CMAR as the project delivery method for over 75% of their work. Leverage CMAR as part of your growth strategy....

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