The Teacher and the Student in All of Us

The rate a contractor can grow is the average speed the team learns and teaches at.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
PDCA: Deming Cylce, the teacher and student in all of us.

We are all teachers and we are all students. There are many things that we can do to improve ourselves on both sides of that equation:

We are much better at the business of construction! Don’t laugh too hard at my capabilities at animation. :) 

Learn more about how we help contractors accelerate their growth through strategy, structure and the development of their talent

Project Cash Metric and Cash vs. Margin Variance
Contracting is a very capital-intensive business and it is critical to constantly be watching cash flow performance. This metric is the highest level of an “OUTCOME” for cash flow at the project level, summarizing the performance of ops and accounting.
What Do You Really Need to Be Effective?
Better tools and feedback systems will NEVER create value without the investment in training people and continuous hard work.
Work Conversion Cycle and Backlog Run-Off
PARADOX: A contractor can’t focus on the bigger strategic issues until they have a predictable backlog of work. If a contractor doesn’t have a solid market strategy and organizational structure in place it’s very difficult to build a consistent backlog.