Teams and Readiness for Growth and/or Succession

Whether you are focused on growing profitably or preparing for an ownership transition, the strength of your team and organizational structure is a major factor.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

We have previously talked about the general types of organizational structures we see.  

Leadership Tools: What type of Contractor are you? Emerging, Hollow, and Ready (A "Full-Stack" Team) that is prepared for growth and/or succession.
  • Emerging: Little leadership or management depth, often does not know what they don’t know. Top leader and management team all need to develop comfortable capabilities, capacity, and systems for their current stage of growth.
  • Hollow: Top leader is comfortable in capabilities and capacity at the current stage of growth with strong desire and aptitude for the next stage of growth. There are gaps in desires, aptitudes, capabilities, or capacity in one or more roles below the leader, including unfilled roles. There are also likely gaps in the systems required for the next stage.
  • Ready: This is “Full-Stack” team. Top leader and management team are all comfortably executing at the current stage of growth with strong desire and aptitude for the next stage of growth. Systems are at least comfortable at current stage of growth with some being able to make it to the next stage of growth with only minor improvements.

How strong the team and organizational structure are will be a major factor in the valuation or in the ability to successfully grow to the next stage.   

We spend a significant amount of our time with contractors developing strong organizational structures and creating value in the short and long term. Learn more.

Teams and Readiness for Growth and/or Succession
Continue building value in your business, yourself and your key team members with a good succession strategy....

Teams and Readiness for Growth and/or Succession
Continue building value in your business, yourself and your key team members with a good succession strategy....

Definition - Capability
A team or company’s combination of skills, competencies, knowledge, processes, tools, and behaviors that allows them to Carry Out particular activities or achieve certain goals. Capabilities create the outcomes that customers are paying for.
Definition - Discipline
Consistently Doing what needs to be done even when you don’t want to do it. Motivation is doing what needs to be done when you want to do it – related to desire.
Definition - Standard
Level of Performance required. May relate to a job role (person), team, company, materials, equipment, facility, etc. Required by business model as part of achieving strategic objectives.