Shifting Locus of Control

Technical skills stand on a foundation of behaviors that ultimately determine how effectively those skills are applied.

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Leadership Tools: Shifting Locus of Control. From External to Internal. Quote: If not us, then who? If not now, then when? John Lewis

Accelerating behaviors include:

Behaviors can be built into people the same way technical skills can - through deliberate practice.

One critical behavior to change is a person’s locus of control which is the degree to which they believe they can influence the outcome.  If you embed a clear vision in the team and then work to shift the team’s locus of control into a “Bias Towards Action” you will have a nearly unstoppable team.  

Helping someone shift their locus of control internally will not only make them more productive but it will make them happier improving team morale, culture and ultimately your ability to attract more great people. 

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