Retirement Onboarding - 12 Questions

Sue Weiler-Doke and David Brown discuss “Retirement Onboarding” for construction contractors, starting with 12 key questions.

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Retirement Onboarding for Construction Owners. 12 Questions with Sue Weiler-Doke

Retirement Onboarding is even more critical during ownership transitions because often, the current owner has had nearly their whole life wrapped-up in the business for 20 to 40-plus years. Many of the best business operators have given relatively little thought to their personal retirement.  

Not having a clear Retirement Onboarding plan presents one of the biggest issues when it comes to effective Succession Planning. For the owner of the company, this must be addressed first and with clarity before the details of the plan are solidified. 

Sue Weiler-Doke and David Brown discuss “Retirement Onboarding” for construction contractors, starting with 12 key questions. Watch the Playlist

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