Pulling Knowledge

There are few things that will accelerate career and team development faster than improving learning capability.

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Lean Learning Tools: Pulling Knowledge and Rigorous Feedback and Repetition.

Some thought processes and habits that accelerate learning are:

Technology Integration - Critical Inflection Points and Streamlining Workflows
Construction technology can no longer be treated like a “Project” with a beginning, middle, and end to the implementation. There are now hundreds of specialized technology tools that can be implemented by contractors and each add individual value.
Changing a Good Decision Making Process Based on Results
Construction projects are complex requiring thousands of decisions made across dozens of teams over many months to ultimately result in a good outcome. As a leader in the construction industry the majority of your value-add is.
Integrated Systems - Defined
Construction contracting is highly competitive. Winning requires people and technology aligned with effective workflows to deliver maximum value for customers with minimum waste while allowing the business to scale sustainably.