Profitability and Predictability

Consistent profitability follows predictability.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

Contractors who are consistently improving their scoreboard, including profitable growth, focus on making the behaviors and actions that LEAD to profitability consistent habits.  

Leadership Tools: Consistent Profitability Follows Predictability.

Having a BIG GOAL is exciting to talk about, but whether in business, sports, or life, merely having that goal isn't enough to get you there.  

You must have a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) to set your vision, help you chart your course, and help you get back up after continuous setbacks...but the REAL WORK of achieving that goal comes down to intense focus on doing the small things consistently. Every single time.    

This is why the Last Planner System© (LPS) focuses on consistency of weekly execution with a feedback and learning component.  

Consistent execution of these standards may seem boring, but they are the foundation of continuous improvement. The Plan > Do > Check > Act (PDCA) process can’t work if you don’t have standards in place that are consistently being followed.  

How predictable is your business development? Your estimating? Your project delivery? Your field productivity? Your financial results? Contact us to have a conversation.

Bill Walsh - Planning the First 25 Plays
Construction success depends on both the ability to rigorously plan as well as the ability to quickly react to changing field conditions. This is similar to sports and a lot can be learned from the disciplines of great coaches.
Succession and Choosing 3rd Party Advisors
Most contractors have gone through the succession process zero times. Choosing the right team of advisors will help you effectively explore options and refine the details of your specific succession.
Progressive Levels of Business Development
The most important first step for a contractor is to find a customer who will pay for a project. With continued growth, the process of business development becomes progressively more complex including how it is integrated with strategy and operations.