Production Tracking - Troubleshooting Problems

Implementing production tracking without a program to ensure effective troubleshooting of the problems will be minimally effective.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Field Productivity: Troubleshooting Problems when Production Tracking.

Look at this in two major stages:

  1. Simply learning to see the problems using tools like tracking weekly Percent Planned Complete (PPC) and daily Production Tracking.  
  2. Learning how to troubleshoot the problems using techniques like 5 Why and then test improvements ultimately resulting in new standards.  


  • What Happened?  Branch raceway production has been 30% lower than planned
  • Why?  Framing installation fragmented.
  • Why did we start?  Had to meet the project schedule. 
  • Why couldn’t we delay our start?  Key customer and they sent threat of backcharge.
  • Why couldn’t we compress our install window?  Not enough manpower.
  • Why didn’t we use prefab to compress install?  Did not plan project thoroughly.
  • Why?  Project started with 5 days notice.
  • Why didn’t we make the time to plan; even if on the weekend or overtime?  Project team does not truly see the value in planning or prefab.  
  • Why?  Zero time invested in training or coaching around project planning.
  • Why?  Leadership team is focusing nearly 100% of their time opening new branch office.
  • Why?  It is an opportunity to grow revenue and profits while diversifying the company for the next economic downturn.

What are the “WHY’s” behind your production misses last week?    

What is your improvement plan?  

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