Production Tracking - Changing the Language

Your productivity will start to really improve as it becomes a culture and not just a tracking system.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Field Productivity: Troubleshooting Problems when Production Tracking.

You will first notice this as a change in language in the field and across the whole project team:

--- EXAMPLE ---

FROM:  The job superintendent is disorganized and skipping us all over the project.

TO:  We are being moved all over the job site due to plan coordination errors.  Our framing productivity has been 78% of target for the last 3 days.  

How do you talk?

How does your team talk?

What can you do to improve?

What would that be worth?

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Production Tracking - Changing the Language
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Production Tracking - Changing the Language
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Construction Benchmarks, Trends, Forecasts, and Predictions
Two of the most highly leveraged choices that leaders of contractors make are about market strategy and major resource allocations. Robust information systems about the external market are a critical part of this decision-making process.
Focused Resources = Maximum Results
Contracting is a relatively low-margin and high-risk business. Contractors can’t afford to spread out their resources on projects or in their businesses. Leaders must put maximum resources behind their biggest bottlenecks or opportunities.
Increased Value by Lowering Variability
A construction business is capable of providing a very high return to the owners who have their capital at risk as well as the team members that work there. Contractors with lower variability in profitability are both more valuable and more sustainable.