Preconstruction Questions & Answers

Raymond and David tackle a variety of audience questions about preconstruction services.

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Contributors David Brown

Integrated project delivery, getting started with precon services, searching for a conceptual estimating and much more.


Learn more about building Advanced Preconstruction Services and Business Development capabilities along with other General Contractor Solutions for profitable growth in all economic conditions.   

Preconstruction Questions & Answers
Dominate your competition by contracting for preconstruction services while projects are still concepts on scratch paper. This series of videos will look at the preconstruction process from the perspective of the Project Owner, Architect, and Contractor. ...

Preconstruction Questions & Answers
Dominate your competition by contracting for preconstruction services while projects are still concepts on scratch paper. This series of videos will look at the preconstruction process from the perspective of the Project Owner, Architect, and Contractor. ...

How Effectively Do You Ask for Help?
Effectively asking for help is one of the most important skills you can build for your own development. Developing a team culture where everyone is comfortable asking for help and helping others is a critical leadership skill.
Succession Fact #1: Capital and Cash Flow
Succession Fact #1: No deal structure will substantially create capital or cash flow. It is only the business performance that ensures all major stakeholder groups are compensated properly for their time and capital put at risk.
Contractor Growth Cycles and Decision Points
As contractors grow, they must make decisions and changes around five key areas. At these decision points, they may be experiencing some or all of the eight typical symptoms including stress, customer complaints, and inconsistent growth.