Measure What Matters - OKRs

John Doerr just released a new book on the use of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to grow organizations.

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This is a phenomenal tool and can be used to align contractors vertically as well as horizontally.  It is a great tool to use for contractors as they integrate technology.  

Leadership Tools: Cascading Goal Setting and Management. Book: Measure What Matters by John Doerr.

Even more important is the ability of the OKR process to align ACROSS the business and even ACROSS the supply chain.  

Regardless of whether the tool is called OKRs, 4DX, MBO or Traction the biggest execution variables are:

  • Creativity of the team in aligning goals.
  • Ability of the team to think in terms of “Prioritized Outcomes” rather than “Things to Do”
  • The discipline to continually “Force-Rank” priorities until the organization is just down to a few true priorities.
  • The discipline of routine execution even as the process runs into challenges during the first few cycles.

This is an area where an experienced but unbiased 3rd party can really provide value. 

Schedule a call with us to learn more about how we approach helping contractors developing then execute sustainable growth strategies. 

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