Levels of Productivity

Making major improvements to labor productivity for contractors starts at the company level and must be rigorously managed all the way down to the individual steps in each task.

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Levels Of Productivity Company, Projects, Tasks, and Steps

We too often see contractors attacking the problem only at one level and not looking at the entire value stream identifying what adds the most value and what does not.  

  • Company - Do you have the right people in place to identify and eliminate waste?  Does your market strategy and opportunity selection process provide projects where you have the best chance of success?
  • Projects - How effective is your planning process?
  • Tasks - What percentage of your tasks have all 6 Pillars of Productivity met before starting?  
  • Steps - Look at every detail, every screw, every step and see if you can eliminate it.  

Remember that the actual speed of the crafts people installing things IS NOT the biggest problem with productivity.


Levels of Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Levels of Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Growth or Attracting Talent
It’s not enough to just build work effectively - that is just what’s required to play in the game. Contractors seeking sustainable growth must have aggressive and balanced strategies for acquiring work and building talent.
Responsibility, Results, and Compensation
If you want to grow your career, always seek additional responsibility while pushing your limits in every way to produce business results. The compensation will always follow.
Strategic Market Experiments
A growing contractor must systematically allocate 10-20% of their resources, including talent and capital to Strategic Market Experiments that have a probability of growing into a major market and becoming a "Strategic Choice."