Lean Principle - Talent First

With all the new technologies readily available in the construction industry why are more contractors and project owners seeing dramatic increases in inefficiencies?

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Lean Principle: Talent First. To grow profitably build a foundation of talent and effective workflows before focusing on technology systems.

Bill Gates answered this a long time ago and the lean body of knowledge addresses this as well: 

"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency"

Bill Gates

Technology is absolutely amazing for streamlining a process through automation and enforcing a good process through feedback systems. Too often when people talk about technology integration they are mainly thinking about how to get one system to talk to another. We have deep expertise in getting technology systems talking to each other; often succeeding where others claim it cannot be done.  

However with that said the most complicated integrations are aligning the people and the workflows together into a truly effective system. 

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