Knowledge Management Pyramid

Knowledge Management is a complex topic and the contractors who learn to manage it the best will have an edge in the market.

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There are several models that can help you visualize the differences between different types of “knowledge” in your organization and an individual’s ability to work at different levels.

Quote: Free access to data does not turn into knowledge without effort. Hans Rosling. The Knowledge Management Pyramid.

One of these is called the DIKW Pyramid for:

  • Data: Simply signals and other inputs.
  • Information: Data that has been organized into a useful format.
  • Knowledge: Information put in context.  
  • Wisdom: Knowledge turned into decisions and action.

A closely related concept is "Situational Awareness" levels of Perception, Comprehension, and Projection.  

Think about your best project team members, including conceptual estimators who are great at the preconstruction stage. They have phenomenal abilities to take a wide range of data and turn it into a complex 5D model of the project in their heads that they make great decisions from.  

Back up to a world view of data vs. wisdom with the book Factfulness

Production Tracking - Lessons Learned
Look at productivity as a daily “Jar” where your objective is to pack as much “Earned Value” into it as possible. Look at your costs in three major categories and focus on tracking what matters the most.
Tasks vs. Key Results
“Life favors the specific ask and punishes the vague wish.” - Tim Ferriss Excellent advice from the book Tribe of Mentors that can be applied to the hiring and management process for contractors.
Definition - Competency
The ability to do something (skill) at a certain level of performance (standard). A Skill Performed to Standard.