Integrating the Seller-Doer Model with the Dedicated Business Developer Model for General Contractors

The following pages makes a strong case for General Contractors integrating the Seller-Doer model with dedicated Business Development Professionals for profitable growth.

Raymond Braswell Profile Picture
An Integrated Business Development Model for General Contractors by Raymond Braswell. Seller-Doer and Business Developer.

Many articles have been written about the advantages of the Seller-Doer model for business development in the A/E/C industry. In this model, key managers are responsible for business development as well as managing the design and construction of the project. One of the primary reasons cited as a benefit of the Seller-Doer model is that clients prefer to work with those who are actually involved in the design or construction of a project rather than a pure business development professional.

The following pages makes a strong case for General Contractors integrating the Seller-Doer model with dedicated Business Development Professionals for profitable growth.  Download the full article.  

Business Development Models.

Private Workshop:  Determine what business development model is right for your team and market strategy.

Learn More About Raymond Braswell and Our General Contractor Solutions


Integrating the Seller-Doer Model with the Dedicated Business Developer Model for General Contractors
We provide a unique perspective and approach for General Contractors wanting to take their company to the next level of success....

Integrating the Seller-Doer Model with the Dedicated Business Developer Model for General Contractors
We provide a unique perspective and approach for General Contractors wanting to take their company to the next level of success....

Winston Churchill - Success, Failure and Enthusiasm
When there are no clear answers, it is critical to experiment, learn, and rapidly scale up those things that work. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill
Process Improvement and Cycle Times
When contractors grow inefficient processes usually get substantially more inefficient dramatically changing the Return on Investment (ROI) model. Saving a few minutes over 1,000 cycles per month means $60K+ potential savings over a couple years.
Preconstruction - Adding Value from the Perspective of the Project Owner
Finishes and other key design elements are important for both the project owner and architect. One of the highest value-adds provided during preconstruction services is protecting these throughout the design-development process.