Incentive Compensation for Contractors - Audience Question: Loss of Trust?

There will be times when your incentive program causes a loss of trust within the team. Here are a few steps toward rebuilding that trust.

Courtney Stearns Profile Picture
Contributors Sue Weiler-Doke Profile PictureSue Weiler-Doke David Brown Profile PictureDavid Brown
  • Re-watch the video from Brené Brown on trust and evaluate yourself and those of your core management team in regards to BRAVING.
  • Educate yourself and your core management team on both Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice as social psychology terms. Evaluate how the broader team might feel about your incentive programs and your own actions in regards to these very important ways people evaluate fairness.
  • Apologize to everyone multiple times until they hear and believe it.
  • Be transparent in alignment with educational understanding levels.
  • Educate the team to better understand business dynamics and their role in improving the outcome.
  • Celebrate daily, weekly, and monthly wins constantly. Remember that building trust is mostly about consistently getting the small details right.
  • Solicit and then work to answer questions from the team.
  • Be consistent with your messaging on a daily and weekly basis.

In this video series, Courtney Stearns, Sue Weiler-Doke, and David Brown discuss the most common questions we get from contractors about incentive programs, including a bunch of great questions from the audience.

This is Part 18 of a 20-Part Series

Topics Covered in the Series Include:

  • Who Benefits?
  • Calculations
  • Prerequisites
  • Behaviors
  • Alignment

All relationships start with a simple conversation. Let’s schedule some time to talk about your specific challenges and opportunities.

Incentive Compensation for Contractors - Audience Question: Loss of Trust?
Every successful and profitably growing contractor we work with has a comprehensive and integrated set of incentive programs in place at all levels of the organization. These programs reinforce the daily actions and behaviors that make them successful. ...

Incentive Compensation for Contractors - Audience Question: Loss of Trust?
Every successful and profitably growing contractor we work with has a comprehensive and integrated set of incentive programs in place at all levels of the organization. These programs reinforce the daily actions and behaviors that make them successful. ...

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