Field Productivity Grand Slam

When contractors are truly successful at improving their field productivity it is like the 1953 World Series.

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Compare it to Mickey Mantle’s pivotal Grand Slam during game 5 of the 1953 World Series.  The bases are loaded. You are at bat. The Big Four productivity home runs:

Field Productivity: Productivity Grand Slam.
  1. Improved profitability and cash flow.
  2. Timely production feedback builds crews faster.
  3. Better production will require less people in a very tight labor market.  
  4. Consistently demonstrated competency in project delivery equals delighted customers equals sustainable growth.

Focusing on field productivity improves every aspect of a Contractor’s Scoreboard. 

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Field Productivity Grand Slam
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Field Productivity Grand Slam
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

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