End of Easy

Don’t give up just when the going gets tough, that should be your starting point.

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Are you at the end of your options? Or just at the end of easy?

“Have fixed goals and flexible strategies.” - Peter Drucker  

Your daily tactics to execute those strategies should change even more frequently as you check and adjust them to continuously improve

Don’t change your strategy until you have exhausted all the possible execution tactics.  

Don’t change your goals until you have exhausted all the possible strategies.

Just like “NO” isn’t the end of the negotiation, but rather the beginning… 

Don’t give up just when the going gets tough, that should be your starting point.

Know that most others have given up at this same point, so success and competitive advantage is probably just around the corner from when things begin to get tough.  

“The only easy day was yesterday.”

Navy SEAL motto

If you learn to embrace difficulty knowing that you and others around you will grow from it, then you will actually gain strength from the obstacles you face every day.  

What in your life that was worth achieving was truly easy?

Definition - Discipline
Consistently Doing what needs to be done even when you don’t want to do it. Motivation is doing what needs to be done when you want to do it – related to desire.
Business Operating System
Contractors must have a clear vision with specific goals. It is the strength of the business operating layer of their companies that will keep them on track to achieve those goals.
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It’s the end of week 3 since the Bay Area was the first to issue shelter-in-place orders on Monday, March 16th. A few days later, on March 19th, California followed as a state, and by the end of that weekend another 5+ states followed. What's next?