Effective Project Review Meetings

Project execution is the #1 priority for contractors.

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Effective project review meetings are the #1 control mechanism for ensuring projects stay on-track.

Leadership Tools: Effective Project Review Meetings.

Minimum prerequisites:

  • Accurate and timely cost reporting including committed costs and all indirect costs in alignment with the way the project was estimated.  
  • Updated project schedule.
  • Structured jobsite walk to ensure physical percent complete is accurate.

Critical behaviors:  

  • Open communication across the whole project team, operations management and financial management.  
  • Love of troubleshooting looking for the root causes of problems as well as opportunities for improvement.  
  • Rigorous and structured questioning to ensure a thorough review.
  • Zero defensiveness from anyone knowing that the rigorous review process protects the company.

Have would you rate the effectiveness of your project review meetings?

Learn how we help contractors develop the information systems, behaviors and processes for effective project review meetings. 

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TOOL: Effective Scoreboards & Scorecards Outline
One-page summary that can be used with your team to align them around the why, what, and how of effective scoreboards and scorecards. Next steps include worksheets to inventory and evaluate your current state of scorekeeping and designing the future.
Growth and Opportunity
Contractors that are growing profitably, have great reputations with their customers, and have a good culture are able to attract and retain the best talent even with the talent shortages the construction industry will face in the next 10+ years.
Helen Keller - Blind vs Vision
As a contracting business grows it becomes more important the team is aligned around a common vision and culture. It becomes even more critical if the company has more than one geographic location.