Building vs Demonstrating Capability

Building a sustainably growing construction business is a huge challenge for everyone on the team.

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Building an effective project team across dozens of different companies with sometimes competing interest is incredibly difficult.  

Leadership Tools: Building vs. Demonstrating Capability.

These are daily struggles that leaders and everyone on the team must navigate and LOVE.

Is there a faster way?  A shortcut? An EASY BUTTON?

How did they (reference someone else) get there so fast?  

It’s easy to get caught up asking ourselves these questions too much or worse yet by blaming others on the team including leadership for things being so difficult.  

The elements we see publicly of others are usually either big problems or the demonstration of a capability that has already been built after years of struggle.  When these are put together in media formats such as The Profit or Shark Tank we can begin to think we can go from major problem to solution in 30 minutes!  

Assume that about 95% of your time will be the struggle to build capability whether it is in business or life   and whether it is mental, physical or financial.  

Consider David Goggins and his pull-up record from 2013.  The first couple thousand looked pretty easy (for him) but what we don’t see publicly was the YEARS of training it took to get there including several failed attempts.

Selling an Efficient Project
Doubling the pretax net margin for contractors requires both effective selling AND operational excellence. The majority of of people in construction contracting businesses are operationally focused on building the work.
Coaching and "GPS Feedback" - John Wooden Example
The best coaches and superintendents all have an eye for detail and constant communication. Winning in construction or sports is about ensuring that thousands of details come together correctly. The game (or project) is won far away from the scoreboard.
14 Principles for Creating Value
We see these principles applied frequently within profitably growing contractors. Most of the problems we see are due to a breakdown in the application of these principles.