Building a Systems Development Team - Developers

A Software Developer is just one of the many roles that make up the systems development team.

Steve Jost Profile Picture
Contributors Chris Hodge David Brown

A systems development team is generally more similar to the way a construction project is built, meaning there are many roles, including architect, engineer, and general contractor. Downstream, there are even more specializations covering many different roles within the team.

In systems development, you typically have numerous roles, which often include software developers, requirements & workflow experts, integrators, help desk technicians, and infrastructure specialists. Many times, those roles will cross-over. As well, one person can wear many hats.

Additionally, a systems development team may have different goals as a team than a software developer would have as an individual. Much like the difference between the goal of a project owner and an individual craftsperson on a construction job, a software developer is primarily concerned with quickly building software that meets the spec they are given, while a systems development team will be observing the business and proactively designing and developing tools that improve workflow and adapt to changing business conditions.

This is Part 10 of an 18-Part Series

Topics Covered in the Series Include:

  • Clarification
  • Applications
  • Best Fit
  • Workflow
  • Robotics

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