Builder and Business Manager Integration

A successful and sustainably growing construction business has the right balance of builder and business manager skills on the team.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
  • There is a healthy respect between all team members for both sets of skills.
  • Team members are cross-trained on both sets of skills to make integration tighter, leading to better decisions.  
  • The organizational structure supports this integration and cross-training.  
  • There are training, coaching, and mentoring programs that leverage internal and external resources to develop both sets of skills.  

Key Business Management Skills Include:

  • Strategy and business planning
  • Financial and risk management
  • Process improvement tools and techniques
  • Opportunity and resource alignment for sustainable growth
  • Business development
  • Talent recruiting, development, and management
Leadership Tools: Builder and Business Manager: Development and Integration


How well does your business integrate builder and business manager skills?  

If you could improve only one area in the next year what would it be? 

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