Benchmarks, trends, forecasts, and predictions about the market(s) that contractors work within including the overall economy, specific industry sectors, specific geographies, project delivery methods, regulations, and financing.
benchmark forecast prediction trendTwo of the most highly leveraged choices that leaders of contractors make are about market strategy and major resource allocations. Robust information systems about the external market are a critical part of this decision-making process.
benchmark forecast prediction trendOperational excellence including financing and financial outcomes along with critical internal functions like supply chain, virtual construction (BIM), fabrication, and technology.
benchmark forecast prediction trendConstruction industry benchmarks, trends, forecasts, and predictions for all things talent related including demographics, broader cultural trends, and education programs.
benchmark forecast prediction trendGovernance structures including the board of directors, policies, information flow, operating rhythm, and decision rights must continually evolve through each stage of growth and ownership transition. The first board is typically driven by a transition.
governance ownership transition successionThe Deal Structure including dollars, timing, terms, legal entities, taxes, and contractual documents is the most tangible part of the transaction. The Deal Structure WILL NOT do three very critical things - Cash, Capabilities, and Trust.
ownership transition successionEffective org structures improve project delivery, accelerate team growth, and enable smooth successions. These five diagrams and insights from our team will help you see your teams and structure differently.
Organizational Development OrgDev Recruiting Succession Talent Value Stream (TVS)Improve career development for every role in your company including your own with these five diagrams and short insights from our team.
organizational planning talent developmentFor construction contractors, the challenges with role transitions are significantly worse due to changes in the construction process including technology, the shortage of talent, and the highly competitive fragmented nature of the construction industry.
talent developmentIn the ideal situation, everyone would have a great manager - both internally and externally. In the real world, we will all have to work for someone we consider a difficult manager. Learn to thrive in these situations.
career leadership