One of the best measures of a leader is how many other leaders they have built. A huge part of leadership development is having mentors and being a mentor to others.
Construction technology can no longer be treated like a “Project” with a beginning, middle, and end to the implementation. There are now hundreds of specialized technology tools that can be implemented by contractors and each add individual value.
Operational excellence must be a major component of every contractor’s strategy and baked into their daily behaviors. Optimizing at each of the four major layers requires different levels of thinking, technology, and time span.
Poorly coordinated people, processes and technology become exponentially more inefficient as the business grows eroding profits, morale and customer satisfaction.
Contractors know how important it is for their crafts people to have a toolbox (and bags) full of well maintained tools. As a leader in a construction business you must build your own toolbox.
Contractors are faced with more choices in tools than ever thanks to technology. With so many choices it is easy to fall into one of three traps. It is important to remember that it is people who create value; tools only enhance what people can do.
As a contracting business grows it becomes more important the team is aligned around a common vision and culture. It becomes even more critical if the company has more than one geographic location.
A contractor’s market strategy is the most highly leveraged decision leadership can make. Getting this right then executing effectively can easily have a 2X+ positive impact on earnings over the next 5 years.
Ultimately there is exactly one person on this planet who you have 100% control over - YOU! The best way to work effectively with difficult people is to look within and figure out what you need to do to make the relationship less difficult; then do it!