Construction companies require strong foundations just like the projects they build. Like a building the larger it will be the stronger the foundation must be. How strong is your business foundation?
Effectively building a project and a construction business starts with getting the right people on the team and then getting them aligned. A great behavior to build into the team for alignment is a disciplined approach focusing on the 5Ds.
Construction contracting is largely a game of operational excellence. Between the massive changes going on in the industry and daily operations it is easy for leaders and their teams to overlook the small opportunities for improvement every day.
Talent density versus the complexity of the construction business or project is what determines the level of bureaucracy required for sustainable growth.
Every person, team and business has a finite amount of resources. It is how we choose to use those resources that determines the level of our success, the speed we get there and our joy while on the journey.
Effectively asking for help is one of the most important skills you can build for your own development. Developing a team culture where everyone is comfortable asking for help and helping others is a critical leadership skill.
There is no question that construction is becoming more complex. We don’t do ourselves or others any favors by not coming to terms with that complexity. We must get comfortable learning the complexities before we can work on simplification.
By definition it is impossible for any of us to know what we don’t know.
Who are the top 5 people inside your organization that help each other refine your models of projects, your company and the industry?
Construction success depends on both the ability to rigorously plan as well as the ability to quickly react to changing field conditions. This is similar to sports and a lot can be learned from the disciplines of great coaches.